
SEO for web pages

SEO for web pages Website Optimization Process for Search Engines (SEO) is primitive and consists only of several key factors, which, however, must be applied during website programming and content creation: logic, content, and development process.

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for Websites?

By search engine optimization of a website, we understand the targeting of web pages to a specific audience of visitors who, by entering certain keywords or key phrases, query search engines for information presented on the website. A properly optimized website is one whose URL appears at the top of search engine results.

1. Technical Optimization of a Working Website:

To organize the technical optimization of a website on a working portal, access to FTP and website administration will be required.

2. Content Optimization of a Working Website:

To organize content optimization of a website on a working portal, access to website administration is necessary, along with decisions regarding the filling or modification of textual and multimedia content, possible changes to link structures and aliases. Often, this work is associated with additional tasks in the Google Webmaster Tools console.

3. Ordering a New Website with SEO Considerations in Content:

It is often more advantageous to order a new, modern website than to repair an old one. The content of the old website and its structure can be intelligently transferred to a modern portal with a guarantee of clean programming and consideration for SEO optimization.

4. Self-SEO Promotion:

You can also optimize your website yourself by following the SEO optimization instructions that we have been publishing for years on the regional portal, which we are providing again below with some additions.

Instructions for Website SEO Promotion

Start with analytics. Whether it's about your working website, ordering a new portal, receiving work from the studio that created your website, or evaluating a potential developer, conduct checks on the main parameters:

  • Adaptability to mobile devices;
  • Code validity according to W3C standards;
  • SEO content structure;
  • Presence of microdata;
Check RWD

Check RWD

Check W3C

Check W3C

Check SEO

Check SEO

Check Snippets

Check Snippets

The process of website optimization is simple, yet it requires fundamental programming knowledge. Follow SEO rules when developing a website.

1. Adaptability to Mobile Devices.

Your web pages must be . Search engines prioritize RWD (Responsive Web Design) websites that are adaptive to mobile devices. You can check the adaptability on the Bing site mentioned above.

2. Code Validity According to W3C Standards.

It is often claimed that the validity of source code does not affect SEO promotion. We will prove that the validity of source code is directly related to search engine results. Google search algorithms are logically consistent. With certain errors in the source code, the web page simply will not display. Do you really think an invalid website will be prioritized?

For example, let's take a minor detail - the "alt" attribute for an image, which does not affect website display. The absence of the "alt" attribute is considered an error by W3C. "SEO experts" might say that errors like this do not affect search engine rankings, but they would hardly be able to explain why. Let's clarify: the "alt" attribute is used by voice interfaces for people with visual impairments. For instance, an iPad "says" - this is an image and it is named as written in the "alt" attribute. IT-humanism towards people with limited vision.

Search engine algorithms take into account many factors when evaluating a website. Does anyone really think that validity is not taken into account? We know that the fairy tale about validity of web pages not affecting promotion is diligently told by those who cannot program or fix errors in code.

A professional website must pass the W3C validity test. You can check code errors using the validator mentioned above.

3. Separate CSS Styles and JavaScript from HTML Code.

Remove all styles from the HTML code into CSS files. For example, CSS should look like this:

.center {text-align: center}
Then to center text in HTML: class code in html
Not an error, but HTML shouldn't look like this: undesirable style code in html

Remove JavaScript from HTML code into separate JS files and import them by placing the file paths in the head section.

4. Content Filling with SEO Promotion in Mind.

  • Fill your website content so that desired keywords and phrases appear as frequently as possible in the textual content of the web page. Highlight them with the strong tag. Remember, if you write gibberish, the user will immediately close your page, and algorithms will mark it unfavorably.
  • Divide content using header tags: h1 (only one, the main heading with the essence of the page), h2, h3. Remember the order of header tags (don't skip): h2 first, then h3, and so on. The tag with a higher number should follow the lower one (h2 after h3 or h4 is acceptable). And if you wrote headings h1-h6, then bother to write simple text under it rather than another heading immediately.
  • Ensure the ratio of content to code - a minimum of 10% of the source code should be content. "Don't spread" the content over many topics. Write sharp-focused content - if a user is looking for instructions on SEO website optimization, they don't need points about healthy eating while working with code in the instructions.
  • Write the title (page title) so that it contains a definition of the content and its length does not exceed 55 characters.
  • Write the description (page description) so that it contains key phrases from the content context, and its length does not exceed 159 characters.
  • If you share pages on social networks, add relevant tags to the website header. For example: twitter:card; twitter:description; twitter:image; twitter:title; og:description; og:image; og:site_name; og:title; og:type; og:url;. This will make your content on social networks more relevant.

5. Generating the sitemap.xml File.

The sitemap.xml file is used to communicate with search bots. Create a sitemap.xml file on and place it in the root folder of your website with the index of the main page.

6. Evaluating Website SEO with a Script.

As we mentioned earlier, many "SEO specialists" consider SEO scripts to be the wrong tool, or often such scripts are programmed in a way that errors are present in any case. An SEO evaluation script should primarily have logic. The SEO script won't evaluate everything for you, but if you adhere to the basic parameters according to our SEO webpage promotion instruction, your website will naturally rise to the top without paying for website advertising. In a month or two, you'll notice the result. Finalize your website step by step on the SEO service test portal so that your score is not less than 95 out of 100.

Neural Networks for Adding SEO Content to the Web.

Utilizing neural networks like ChatGPT by OpenAI significantly accelerates the processes of generating and processing information. For example, SEO in other regions of the world is a story associated with creating multilingual or multidomain websites. ChatGPT neural networks by OpenAI for translations considering regional market peculiarities and mentality are simply invaluable assistants. Google's Bard speeds up the resolution of other tasks for us. However, it's essential to understand that without technical SEO optimization, any content solution won't be effective. Also, when working with artificial intelligence, one must understand a simple truth: "If the questions are meaningless, you won't find sense in the answers."

Comprehensive Solution for Website Promotion.

We've outlined in the article the foundation with which to start - the necessary local optimization of the website. Additionally, there's an important external part of SEO: backlinks to your internet resource, social networks, and other tools. At FABER VISUM, perfectionists and prompt engineers work. A comprehensive internet marketing solution considering SEO will be an effective way to increase website traffic and its development. Do you want to optimize your web pages with our assistance? Buy hourly payment for SEO service or:

  • Conduct an audit using the online tools above.
  • Set relevance goals in search engines.
  • Determine regions and key phrases.
  • Determine the budget and fill out the feedback form.
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